FEEDBACK page for Zen Cart v1.3.x ================================= Version History =============== Date Version Who Why ---------------------------------------------------- 08/08/2007 1.0 Rowan Walshaw First version INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ========================= To add this page to your store, 1. Edit the following files to contain the customer feedback text and HTML you wish to display: /includes/languages/english/MYTEMPLATE/feedback.php /includes/languages/english/extra_definitions/MYTEMPLATE/feedback.php /includes/languages/english/html_includes/MYTEMPLATE/define_feedback.php --- you can edit this file in Admin with the Define Pages Editor --- using this file for edits via admin is easier to maintain, and lets you use the HTMLAREA rich-text editing capabilities of your browser, if enabled in your shop. --- be sure to set the appropriate permissions (777) for this file when you upload it if you do want to use the Define Pages Editor 2. Rename the four "MYTEMPLATE" folders to be the same name as your main template. 3. Upload all the files to your server, using similar folder structure as found in this ZIP. 4. Add the link to the Feedback page into your sideboxes or other locations as desired. The URL for it is either: - zen_href_link(FILENAME_FEEDBACK) or - HERE'S AN EXAMPLE ON HOW TO ADD TO THE "information" SIDEBOX: a. edit /includes/modules/sideboxes/MYTEMPLATE/information.php b. add this line, perhaps right above the "Shipping" link (FILENAME_SHIPPING): $information[] = '' . BOX_INFORMATION_FEEDBACK . ''; c. Upload these changes to your server, and the link will appear in your "information" sidebox. ABOUT THIS MODULE ================= This module enables you to create a feedback page where customers can view and submit validated feedback through the SiteTrust Network ( Please note that a SiteTrust Network account is required prior to installing this module. Questions about this module can be directed to The homepage for this module is located at