Trust Seal and Feedback Feed Installation Instructions for CS-Cart


Below are instructions for installing a SiteTrust Network trust seal and feedback feed on a CS-Cart store. No source code modifications or file uploads are necessary. Our services are installed using CS-Cart admin. These instructions were compiled using CS-Cart version 1.3.5. Instructions for version 2 can be found here.

Please note that a SiteTrust Network account is required to use our services. Questions regarding these instructions can be directed to SiteTrust Network support.

About CS-Cart

CS-Cart is a turnkey shopping cart software solution that includes all the necessary features and functions to build a successful online store. It is written using PHP and MySQL.

Learn more about CS-Cart

Learn more about the SiteTrust Network


Below is a preview of the SiteTrust Network seal and feedback feed on a demo CS-Cart store. Click on the image for a larger version.

Preview of a demo cart store with SiteTrust Network featured installed

SiteTrust Network Feedback Feed

The following instructions enable you to display a Direct Feedback Feed on a CS-Cart store. The feedback feed displays your SiteTrust Network customer feedback directly on your website.

  1. Log into your CS-Cart admin area
  2. In the 'CMS' sidebox click on 'Manage Pages'
  3. Click on the 'Add New' button
  4. In the form input the following details
    • Main topic: Root level page
    • Page name: 'Customer Feedback'
    • Page ID: 'feedback'
    • In the full description box, cut and paste the SiteTrust Network iframe feedback code. Your code will resemble the following
      <iframe src="[YOUR SITE ID]&bg=FFFFFF&c=333333&f=a&s=12&l=0033CC" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" width="525" height="625" frameborder="0"></iframe>
    • Page title: 'Customer Feedback'
    • Available: Yes
    • Comments: Disabled
  5. Leave all other fields as is and click on the 'Add New' button
  6. Your new page will be created and a link to it will appear in your store's information box.

SiteTrust Network Trust Seal

The following instructions enable you to display a SiteTrust Network trust seal on a CS-Cart store. The trust seal can be displayed on either the left or right column. The process involves three primary steps: creating a new ad, creating a new list using Listmania, and adding your new ad to the new list.

  1. Log into your CS-Cart admin area
  2. In the 'Look and Feel' sidebox click on 'Manage Ads'
  3. In the form input the following details
    • Ad: SiteTrust Network Seal
    • Type: Graphic banner
    • Image: URL -> (or the trust seal image that suits you)
    • Alternative text: [YOUR WEBSITE NAME] is an approved SiteTrust Network website. Click here to verify.
    • Check the box next to 'Open in a new window'
  4. Click on the 'Add New' button to save your changes
  5. In the 'CMS' sidebox click on 'Listmania'
  6. Create a new list with the following settings
    • Pos: 99 (Any positive number will do)
    • List name: SiteTrust Network Seal
    • Object: All pages
    • List Objects: Ads
    • Type: manually set
    • Appearance box: select left or right, its up to you
    • Appearance order: up to you (the sample above uses 'before main content')
  7. Click on the 'Add New' button to save your changes
  8. In the 'Look and Feel' sidebox click on 'Site Layout'
  9. Click on the 'All Pages' link
  10. Select your trust seal ad and click on 'Add Ads'
  11. Make sure the 'Enable for this page' is selected and click on the 'Update' button if necessary
  12. Your trust seal should then be displayed on your store

If for some reason you see multiple seals on the homepage, in the 'CMS' sidebox click on 'Listmania'. If you see a list name called 'ads', de-select the 'available' box and click on the 'Update' button.

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