Trust Seal and Feedback Installation Instructions for CubeCart v4


Below are instructions for installing a SiteTrust Network trust seal and feedback feed on a CubeCart v4 store. Our services can be installed using CubeCart admin. These instructions were compiled using CubeCart version 4.2.3

Please note that a SiteTrust Network account is required to use our services. Questions regarding these instructions can be directed to SiteTrust Network support.

About CubeCart

CubeCart is an "out of the box" ecommerce shopping cart software solution which has been written to run on servers that have PHP & MySQL support.

Learn more about CubeCart

Learn more about the SiteTrust Network


Below is a preview of the SiteTrust Network seal and feedback feed on a demo CubeCart v4 store. Click on the image for a larger version.

Preview of a demo CubeCart v4 store with SiteTrust Network featured installed

SiteTrust Network Feedback Feed

The following instructions enable you to display a Direct Feedback Feed on a CubeCart v4 store. The feedback feed displays your SiteTrust Network customer feedback directly on your website.

  1. Log into your CubeCart admin area
  2. In the navigation menu click on 'Site Documents'
  3. Click on the 'Add New' button
  4. Input 'Customer Feedback' for the document name
  5. Leave the 'Document URL' field blank
  6. Click on the 'Source' button in the document edit menu
  7. Cut and paste the SiteTrust Network iframe feedback code into the page content box. Your code will resemble the following
    <iframe src="[YOUR SITE ID]&bg=FFFFFF&c=333333&f=a&s=12&l=0033CC" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" width="525" height="625" frameborder="0"></iframe>
  8. Click on the 'Save Document' button to save your page
  9. Your feedback page will then be created and a link to it will appear in the general store links (located in the top navigation panel depending on your template)

SiteTrust Network Trust Seal

The following instructions enable you to display a SiteTrust Network trust seal within a side column on a CubeCart store.

  1. Using FTP software save a copy of the index.tpl file to your local hard drive. The file is located in
    You can find out which template your are using by logging into CubeCart admin and clicking on the 'General Settings' link in the navigation menu. In the 'Styles & Misc' box look for 'Store Skin'
  2. Open the index.tpl file in a text editor
  3. Paste your SiteTrust Network trust seal code into the area in which you would like the seal displayed. Your code will resemble the following
    <div style="margin-bottom:10px;" align="center">
    <a href="[YOUR SITE ID]" target="_blank">
    <img src="" border="0" />

    You can view a sample index.tpl file with trust seal code here.
  4. Paste the code between the <div class="colLeft">...</div> tags to display it in the left column, or between the <div class="colRight">...</div> tags to display it in the right column.
  5. If you are displaying the seal below other side boxes, change the words 'margin-bottom:10px;' to 'margin-top:10px;'
  6. Upload the updated index.tpl file to the
    /STORE_FOLDER/skins/YOUR_TEMPLATE/styleTemplates/global/ folder.

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