Trust Seal and Feedback Installation Instructions for Joomla


Below are instructions for installing a SiteTrust Network trust seal and feedback feed on a Joomla website. Our services can be installed using Joomla administration. These instructions were compiled using Joomla version 1.5.8.

Please note that a SiteTrust Network account is required to use our services. Questions regarding these instructions can be directed to SiteTrust Network support.

About Joomla

Joomla is an open source content management system that enables developers to build websites and powerful online applications.

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Below is a preview of the SiteTrust Network seal and feedback feed on a demo Joomla website.

Preview of a demo Joomla website with SiteTrust Network features installed

SiteTrust Network Feedback Feed

The following instructions enable you to display a Direct Feedback Feed on a Joomla website.

  1. Install the mosiframe extension for Joomla (or other iframe equivalent for your Joomla version).
    • Note: if you use the JCE editor this step may not be required.
    • Be sure to enable the module by logging into the admin area and selecting Extensions -> Plugin Manager and clicking on 'Content - iframe Plugin'
    • Set Enable Plugin to Yes
    • Set Frameborder to No
    • Set Scroll bar to Auto
  2. Log into your Joomla administration area if you haven't done so already
  3. Click on 'Add New Article'
  4. Input 'Customer Feedback' for the title and again for the alias
  5. If you don't require the iframe module, cut and paste the SiteTrust Network iframe feedback code into the article body box. Your code will resemble the following
    <iframe src="[YOUR SITE ID]&bg=FFFFFF&c=333333&f=a&s=12&l=0033CC" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" width="525" height="625" frameborder="0"></iframe>
  6. Otherwise, modify the SiteTrust Network iframe feedback code so it resembles the following, and paste it into the content box
    {iframe width="525" height="625"}[YOUR SITE ID]&bg=FFFFFF&c=333333&f=a&s=12&l=0033CC{/iframe}
  7. Click on the 'Save' button to save your page
  8. Your feedback page will then be created. To create a link on your site to your feedback page, perform the following
    • In the main menu select Menus -> click on the menu you would like your link to appear, such as 'Main Menu'
    • Click on the 'New' buttonClick on Internal Link -> Articles -> Article Layout
    • For the ensuing form you will see a 'Parameters (Basic) box, click on the 'Select' button and select 'Customer Feedback'
    • In the left area of the form input 'Customer Feedback' for the title and again for the alias
    • Click on the 'Save' button to save your changes

SiteTrust Network Trust Seal

The following instructions enable you to display a SiteTrust Network trust seal within a side column on a Joomla website.

These instructions were compiled using the TinyMCE 2.0 editor.

  1. Log into your Joomla administration area
  2. In the navigation menu click on the 'Site building' link
  3. Select Extensions -> Module Manager
  4. Click on the 'New' link
  5. Select 'Customer HTML' and click on the 'Next' button
  6. Input 'Customer Feedback' for the title
  7. Select 'No' for 'Show Title'
  8. Select 'Yes' for 'Enabled'
  9. For 'Position' select a location for your seal. In the screenshot above we selected 'right'
  10. In the 'Custom Output' box click on the 'HTML' icon
  11. Paste your SiteTrust Network trust seal code into the 'HTML source editor' field. Your code will resemble the following
    <a href="[YOUR SITE ID]" target="_blank">
    <img src="" border="0" />
  12. Click on the 'Update' button
  13. You will then see your seal displayed in the 'Custom Output' box.
  14. If you want to center your seal within a column, click on the seal image and click on the 'Align center' icon.
  15. Click on the 'Save' button

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