Trust Seal and Feedback Installation Instructions for Pinnacle Cart


Below are instructions for installing a SiteTrust Network trust seal and feedback feed on a Pinnacle Cart store. Our services can be installed using Pinnacle Cart admin. These instructions were compiled using Pinnacle Cart version 3.6.0

Please note that a SiteTrust Network account is required to use our services. Questions regarding these instructions can be directed to SiteTrust Network support.

About Pinnacle Cart

Pinnacle Cart is a powerful php shopping cart and website builder application. Designed from marketing perspective, this eCommerce application is feature-packed, robust, scalable and easy to use.

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Learn more about the SiteTrust Network

SiteTrust Network Feedback Feed

The following instructions enable you to display a Direct Feedback Feed on a Pinnacle Cart v3 store. The feedback feed displays your SiteTrust Network customer feedback directly on your website.

  1. Log into your Pinnacle Cart admin area
  2. In the 'Cart Settings' menu click on 'Edit Text Pages'
  3. Click on the 'Add a New Page' link
  4. For the 'Short Name' field input 'feedback'
  5. For the 'Page Title' field input 'Customer Feedback'
  6. Input meta tag details if you wish, although this isn't necessary.
  7. Cut and paste the SiteTrust Network iframe feedback code into the 'Page HTML' field. Your code will resemble the following
    <iframe src="[YOUR SITE ID]&bg=FFFFFF&c=333333&f=a&s=12&l=0033CC" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" width="525" height="625" frameborder="0"></iframe>
  8. Use the 'Link Locations' fields to set the location(s) for your feedback feed link
  9. Click on the 'Save Changes' button to save your page
  10. Your feedback page will then be created and a link to it will appear in your store

SiteTrust Network Trust Seal

The following instructions enable you to display a SiteTrust Network trust seal within a side column on a Pinnacle Cart store.

  1. Log into your Pinnacle Cart admin area
  2. In the 'Cart Settings' menu click on 'Appearance Settings'
  3. In the side menu click on 'Site Layout'
  4. Scroll down the page and click on the 'Click here to Add a New Box' link
  5. In the 'Box Name' field input 'trust_seal'
  6. In the 'Header Text or HTML' field input 'Trust Seal'
  7. Use the 'Box Side / Visibility' and 'Priority' fields to select where on the store to display the seal
  8. Paste your SiteTrust Network trust seal code into the 'Box HTML' field. Your code will resemble the following
    <a href="[YOUR SITE ID]" target="_blank">
    <img src="" border="0" />
  9. Click on the 'Save Changes' button to save your new box
  10. Your SiteTrust Network seal will then appear on your store

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